I made this bracelet sitting at Naomi's kitchen table, absolutely fascinated by all the shiny baubles that were laid before me. That, and keeping a close eye on her two Cockatoos that still, to this day, make me nervous heehee. For the knowledgeable beader, you will see I used connecters and leather crimps as dangles. Even Naomi was too kind to laugh at me, instead saying, "Well, I would have never thought to use that *that* way!"
These are worry beads that I made from glass and resin beads, bells and a kokopelli all strung "professionally" on white beaders string. I put these together while sitting on my bed in my childhood bedroom, listening to Shawna have a screaming fit about something while my father had my mother at the hospital. That was when I truly learned how calming beading can be.
These pieces 8 years ago have morphed themselves into herringbone stitch bracelets and wire-wrapped rosaries that I, back then, would have told you I could never ever do. There is nothing you cannot do when you have friends to share their knowledge and time.