Welcome to my little part of this beady world, Desert Heart Beads, or as I called myself before, Eye Of The Beadholder. When Michigan thaws out (around 80 days from now), I will be heading to the Oakland County Courthouse and registering my new name. Until then, I will take you through my artsy halls of beads...nothing remotely close to the Velvet Manatees abilities, but hey, I try lol.
First on our list, my beaded goddesses that will someday get finished. Found this pattern in Bead and Button and thought, "Hey! That can't be *that* hard!" HA! But they will be cool when they are done. What will I do with them? Probably hang them up on the wall with all the other stuff lol.

I had a lovely string of amber chip beads, faceted garnet, big amber (or maybe poly?) round beads and silk string. Out of all that, this showed up: a neat little knotted necklace. I think knot work looks really cool with the right beads and colors and am happy with how this turned out.

Remember the gorgeous bracelet that Naomi made me? She showed me how a few years ago, so the following two bracelets are what came out of the venture. Not too shabby, even for an amateur lol. These designs are not from my own little brain, but from another designer whose name I cannot remember. The last thing I am is a design thief because it is wrong. Had it done to me once, and it sucks. That being said, they are still cool, eh?


Like I have said before, I love silver and turquoise and any combination thereof. This necklace was made with SS beads, chain and a really pretty turquoise nugget. This looks great when paired with a white linen shirt.

So, there it is. I have more, but this blog only allows so many pictures per posting...silly people lol.
See you soon :).